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About Jackson House

Jackson House is a heritage property in the Old Strathcona neighborhood of Edmonton, Alberta.


Since 2006, this house has provided space for professional therapists to deliver care to their clients. Therapists work on an appointment basis only.


All of the therapists at Jackson House run independent practices. 

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 Location. Parking. Access

Jackson House is located at 10443 85 Ave. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


  • Jackson House is not a public building. It is open for appointments only.

  • Free parking on the street and behind the building, accessed from the alley on 105 St.

  • Jackson House is not wheelchair accessible.

  • Two private washrooms are available for clients.


When you arrive for your appointment, please walk in the front door, be seated in the waiting room, and wait for your therapist.


John and William Jackson were brothers who moved to Old Strathcona in 1894. They ran the Jackson Brothers Foundry and Machine Shop.


In 1908, John and William built their homes, side-by-side. William's house, a clinker brick bungalow, was demolished decades ago. John's two story home remains and is now the Jackson House, where it provides unique offices for the Jackson House therapists.

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To contact any of the Jackson House therapists, please see the therapist directory.

©2024 Jackson House Holdings Inc.

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